World news story

Bosnian senior military officials introduced to modern British military training

A Bosnian military delegation observed a military exercise at the British Military Advisory and Training Team headquarters in which two Bosnia and Herzegovina students participated.

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Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina led by UK Defence Attache LtCol Rob Tomlinson

The Defence Attache Lt Col Rob Tomlinson and his assistant Alan Talakic led a senior military delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to the headquarters of the British Military Advisory and Training Team (BMATT) in Vyskov, Czech Republic, from 5 to 7 March 2013.

The aim of this visit was to brief senior BiH military officials on the multinational training courses conducted at Vyskov and on the range of bilateral assistance and advice that BMATT provides via its In-Country Training Teams. Members of the delegation were also briefed on the organisation and structure of the British Army, on new ideas on leadership and initiative training for young commanders and on the United Kingdom’s approach to Peace Support Operations Training.

During their visit, members of the delegation also had the opportunity to observe exercise “First Attack”, a field-based practical element of the Junior Commanders Leadership Course (JCLC). They were introduced to BiH students 2Lt Sasa Dogatovic and Junior Inspector Bojan Saric, from the State Investigation and Protection Agency of BiH - SIPA, who were taking part on this exercise. Both expressed their highest praise for the quality and professionalism of BMATT Instructors and the training course they are attending. That praise was reciprocated by the British military instructors who have been impressed by the quality of the BiH students – both from the Armed Forces and SIPA.

A visit to the grounds of the famous historical “Battle at Austerlitz” took place on the second day of the visit. The British army often uses historical analysis of past events such as this in order to draw out relevant lessons for modern military operations.

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Published 12 March 2013