Bidding for second wave of rural broadband funding now open
BDUK are inviting bids from Local Authorities and Local Economic Partnerships in England.

Bids are now invited for the second wave of Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) funding, as announced by the Chancellor on 4 March. BDUK are inviting bids from Local Authorities and Local Economic Partnerships in England. Local bodies located within the boundaries of Devolved Administrations should liaise with their Devolved Administration before submitting a bid.
The bidding guidance document explains the nature and purpose of the BDUK Broadband Delivery Project and provides advice to local authorities and other public bodies on how to bid for funds in this round and thereafter.
We want communities and local authorities to have a say in how these networks will be built. By putting the people who will eventually use the infrastructure in a position to shape it, we can bridge the gap between competition and investment.
BDUK will work with English local authorities and the devolved administrations to define the precise details of each project. Projects will then be subject to procurement competitions run by the relevant local authority, devolved administration or other public body, with BDUK providing support and advice. The Devolved Administrations are embarking on a process of consultation and planning which will result in coordinated broadband approach in the respective Administration. All local authorities in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales are to liaise directly with their Devolved Administration to coordinate national, regional and local priorities.
The closing date for bids is 18 April 2011 and the bid documents can be downloaded here ( or via the Local Authority Resource Centre.
Further information
- Bid guidance documents
- About BDUK