News story

Animal testing consultation

The government is asking you to have your say on how EU rules on testing are introduced in the UK.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

An EU Directive on animal testing regulations will strengthen the protection of animals used in scientific procedures across Europe.

The UK already has very high standards of protection in this area, but wants your views on how best to incorporate provisions into our existing legislation.

Highest standards

Home Office minister Lynne Featherstone said: ‘The government welcomes this new Directive which strengthens the protection of animals used in scientific procedures in the EU and promotes work to “Replace, Reduce and Refine” the use of animals in research.

‘We expect and require the highest standards in animal research in the UK. I want to ensure we transpose the Directive in the best possible way for us; that is why I am launching this consultation today.

‘I would like the general public, the research community and those working on the welfare and protection of animals used in scientific procedures to give us their views on the options for transposition.’

Read the written statement to Parliament here.

Contribute to the consultation on this website.


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Published 13 June 2011