News story

Animal medicines improvement notice: Pharmavet (Pharma Group)

Details of the improvement notice issued to Pharmavet (Pharma Group). Published in November 2015

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VMD Lecturn

Pharmavet (Pharma Group), Conway, Gwynedd. The prescribing and supply of NFA-VPS products on the website is carried out without the necessary checks in place i.e. details of animals, competency of user, that the product is to be used for the purpose intended.

The improvements are to:

  • Cease supply of NFA-VPS products on website until a more comprehensive questionnaire is in place, and transactions cannot proceed until such questionnaire has been verified by a SQP.
  • Provide confirmation of actions taken and further intended actions to be taken to ensure that the requirements for the supply of NFA-VPS medicines will be complied with.

This notice has been complied with

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Published 17 November 2015
Last updated 15 December 2015 + show all updates
  1. This notice has been complied with

  2. First published.