News story

Andrew Stunell welcomes key appointments to Building Regulations Committee

Communities Minister Andrew Stunell today announced a new chairman of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC). BRAC is the consultative…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Communities Minister Andrew Stunell today announced a new chairman of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC). BRAC is the consultative body which provides strategic and technical guidance to the Government on standards for the design, sustainability and construction of buildings.

Neil Cooper is to be appointed as chairman of the Committee, replacing Michael Finn after 10 years of service.

Peter Caplehorn, Alan Crane and Stephen Wielebski have also been re-appointed to serve a further three-year term as members of the committee.

Mr Stunell said:

I would like to thank Michael Finn for his outstanding contribution in his 20 years as both member and Chair of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee. Under Michael’s leadership the committee has been instrumental in helping to deliver safe, healthy, accessible and sustainable buildings across the country.

But I am sure that under Neil Cooper’s chairmanship, the Committee will continue to play a key role, particularly given the increasing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings. I very much look forward to working with him.

I would also like to thank Peter Caplehorn, Alan Crane and Stephen Wielebski who have all agreed to serve a further term as members of the Committee. They bring experience and expertise in their respective fields and have been re-appointed to ensure the high quality of advice provided by the Committee is maintained.

Neil Cooper said:

I am delighted and privileged to be appointed to the position. The Committee has made a positive and vital contribution to effective regulation under Michael’s leadership and I intend to ensure this continues. We face many challenges in respect of delivering sustainable buildings, as well as ensuring appropriate and achievable standards are in place to provide healthy and safe environments. I look forward to working with my colleagues to help the Minister achieve this.

Notes to editors

1. The Building Regulations Advisory Committee is a statutory advisory body that exists to advise Ministers on the making of Building Regulations and works closely with Government officials in the development of both regulations and wider policies on building related matters. There are currently 15 Building Regulations Advisory Committee members. The work of the Committee is concerned with regulations applicable in England and Wales. Comparable regulations apply in Northern Ireland and Scotland, which have their own advisory committees.

2. Appointments to the Building Regulations Advisory Committee are made jointly by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and the Secretary of State for Wales in open competition, in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies. Following the transfer of functions under the 1984 Building Act, Welsh Ministers will appoint a new separate committee for Wales and BRAC will cover England only from 31 December 2011.

3. Terms of appointment are made on merit and are usually between two to three years; there is no minimum or maximum level of membership. All re-appointments are made following performance assessments by the Chair in liaison with Department for Communities and Local Government officials.

4. The Chair and members are appointed on an independent basis to represent particular areas/fields of expertise and experience, relevant to the Building Regulations, rather than as delegates of particular organisations or interest groups. They are unpaid for their work both on the main Building Regulations Advisory Committee and associated working parties, but can claim travel and other expenses.

5. Full details of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee membership and further information about the Committee can be found on the Department for Communities and Local Government’s website:

6. Neil Cooper Dip Surv, MRICS, FBEng, MIoD is a chartered surveyor and currently Managing Director of MLM Building Control Ltd. Neil is also a founding member and former Chair of the Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors. Neil was appointed as a member of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee in October 2006 and has been Deputy Chair of the Committee since February 2009.


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Published 6 October 2011