News story

£2m to protect playing fields

Grassroots facilities to benefit from Olympic legacy fund.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

New playing fields will be created across the country thanks to grants from Sport England’s Protecting Playing Fields fund.

More than fifty areas announced today will share a £2.4 million pot of National Lottery funding to create 165 high-quality sports pitches that will be protected from developers for at least 25 years.

The fund is part of the £150 million Places People Play Olympic legacy programme, and projects which receive funding will carry the London 2012 Inspire mark, celebrating the link to the Games.

Sports Minister Hugh Robertson said: “Good facilities are vital to keep up the momentum from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and encourage people to get involved in sport. This investment from the National Lottery will improve and protect playing fields and boost community sport up and down the country.”

Sport England’s Chair, Richard Lewis, said: “Thanks to these investments, generations of young people all over the country can look forward to playing sport on great sports pitches. Playing fields are vital sporting resources for local communities so it’s vital that we provide both investment and protection.”

So far, nearly £8 million has been invested in playing fields, with 504 pitches and nearly 1,900 acres protected and improved, and 57.4 acres of land purchased. Sports lovers are set to benefit from a further £4 million investment in grassroots facilities over the two remaining funding rounds.

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Published 17 October 2012