Defence Land Safety Regulator (DLSR)

The Defence Land Safety Regulator (DLSR) regulate and ensure Safety and Environmental Protection in the Land Domain to enhance operational capability.

Who we are

Part of the Defence Safety Authority (DSA) the Defence Land Safety Regulator (DSLR) consists of four Safety Regulators: Adventurous Training, Fuel and Gas, Land Systems, Movement and Transport.

The regulators are supported by a small headquarters team delivering three key supporting activities:

  • Legislation: conducting horizon scanning to assess how any possible future changes to legislation may impact on DLSR regulation outputs. The legislation team are also responsible for organising the quarterly Land Exemptions Committee

  • Analysis & Plans: analysing and exploiting data across defence to support DLSR’s risk based assurance capability

  • Land Safety Environment Management: responsible for providing Land domain safety management policy, based on defence policy for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection

What we do

Adventurous Training Safety Regulator (ATSR)

The Adventurous Training Safety Regulator (ATSR) is responsible for regulating and licencing Defence Adventure Training Centres worldwide. It also works closely with the Adventurous Activities Licencing Service (AALS) and relevant National Governing Bodies (NGB) to provide guidance and direction to the defence community on the safe conduct of adventurous training.

Adventurous training safety regulations

Fuel and Gas Safety Regulator (FGSR)

The Fuel and Gas Safety Regulator (FSGR) is responsible for regulating defence fuel and gas safety worldwide. FGSR is the Petroleum Enforcement Authority for all MOD fuel filling stations. FGSR manage a programme to regularly inspect and license all fuel installations throughout the MOD estate. FGSR also provide guidance on the safe storage and handling of packed fuels and lubricants, and assist with infrastructure Siting Boards.

Fuel and gas safety and environmental regulations

Land Systems Safety Regulator (LSSR)

The Land Systems Safety Regulator (LSSR) is responsible for regulating land equipment and systems throughout the; acquisition, in-service and disposal life cycle. It provides an assurance framework that safety and environmental risks are as low as reasonable practicable hence delivering Safe Process, Safe place, Safe Equipment and ultimately Safe people.

Land system safety and environmental protection regulations

Movement and Transport Safety Regulator (MTSR)

The Movement and Transport Safety Regulator (MTSR) is responsible for regulating Defence Movement and Transport (M&T) activities (including contracted activity) conducted worldwide. M&T covers a wide and varied range of functional disciplines that often require pan-Top Level Budget (TLB) cooperation, with tasks routinely involving military activity interfacing directly with commercial operations and the general public. Responsible for setting and continuously improving Defence M&T regulations, standards and Defence Codes of Practice (DCoPs); MTSR provides assurance through the conduct of audits and inspections, while providing regulatory advice and guidance for all M&T activities.

Main roles include regulating:

  • the safe preparation and movement of vehicles and equipment, including Dangerous Goods, by all modes of transport .
  • management and use of IOS Freight containers
  • the provision of hazardous stores information and safety data
  • the safe management and operation of road transport (including workplace transport)
  • defence driving licence acquisition; Road traffic accident and incident reporting
  • the safe operation of defence railways
  • load safety and load restraint, road safety and the safe movement of personnel

Movement and transport safety regulations

Land Safety and Environmental Management (LSEM)

Land Safety and Environmental Management (LSEM) is responsible for amplification of the DSA01 series of documents by providing Land Domain specific policy, advice and guidance as well as assurance below TLB level. LSEM is also responsible for providing regulatory coherence between areas common to the four DLSR Regulators.


To regulate and ensure safety and environmental protection in the Land Domain in order to enhance operational capability.

We deliver this mission by:

  • tracking and assessing the impact of forthcoming legislation
  • setting policy, defence regulations, codes of practice/guidance
  • conducting assurance audits/inspections
  • taking enforcement action to ensure compliance

DLSR employ a risk based assurance audit and inspection programme, driven by the intelligence picture of an establishment produced from a Risk and Intelligence Database (RAID).

Contact us

Mail Point #H109
MOD Abbey Wood (North)
Bristol BS34 8QW


Defence policy for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (DSA 01.1)

Defence Safety Authority

Guide to Legislation Compliance in the Land Domain