Consultation outcome

Proposed cessation of Civilian Sickness Absence Official Statistics

Updated 17 May 2023

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government


The Ministry of Defence (MOD) publishes an Official Statistic on Civilian Sickness Absence for civilian personnel employed by Top Level Budgetary Areas. We are seeking external users’ views on the cessation of this report.


Civilian Sickness Absence Statistic is an annual report that has been published on GOV.UK since April 2016. This statistical release presents figures on the number of average working days lost (AWDL) for MOD civilian sickness absence and the number of actual working days lost for core MOD personnel, the Trading Funds and DE&S bespoke trading entity.

Tables show both non-industrial and industrial personnel by top level budget holders (TLB) and the causes of sickness absence by the World Health Organisation International Classification of Diseases codes version 10 (ICD 10 codes). A monetary cost to the department excluding the Trading Funds is shown by total and TLB and a comparison chart is used to show the last 2 financial years. There are time series charts showing AWDL by TLB and the prime causes of sickness absence by ICD 10 codes.

Reasons for proposed change

The customers for the product are MOD Civilian HR policy. Civilian HR policy have agreed that an internal report would better suit their needs.

There is little external interest in this publication, and it is a better use of team resource to produce an internal report that meets internal policy needs. This is in line with the position adopted by other government departments, the majority of which do not publish civilian sickness absence data.

The Analysis-Directorate will continue to provide MOD sickness figures as summary statistics to the Cabinet Office who use them to produce a civil service wide sickness publication. Sickness absence in the Civil Service


The consultation will run for four weeks from Wednesday 1 March 2023. This consultation complies with the Government’s Code of Practice on Consultations. As long as there are no objections during the consultation period, the publication of this report will cease.

Responding to the Consultation

We now invite the feedback of our external data users and are keen to know what impact the proposal will have on you.

Ways to respond

By email to:

When sending your comments please include contact details (your name and either e-mail address, postal address or telephone number) so that we can follow up if clarification is needed.

If there are any issues experienced when using the above email address please forward any comments to: