
Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend in Defra

This series brings together all documents relating to spending moratoria - Defra spending approvals report.

This collection was withdrawn on

Withdrawn as out of date.

In May 2010, the Coalition Government put in place measures to constrain spending. There are currently five moratoria on spending:

  • a freeze on all new ICT spend above £1 million
  • a freeze on all new advertising and marketing spend
  • a freeze on all new consultancy spend
  • increased control over new property leases and lease extensions
  • a freeze on Civil Service recruitment.

In line with UK government commitments to increase transparency, we are now publishing details of all approvals granted under these five spending controls, we will publish this data on a quarterly basis.

Updated datasets can be found at Data.Gov.UK

Updates to this page

Published 18 June 2013