
BIS business plan quarterly data summary (QDS)

This series brings together all documents relating to the BIS business plan quarterly data summary (QDS)

The Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) are a core part of the transparency agenda. They provide a quarterly snapshot of data on departmental spending on 1 page.

The QDS follows commitments made at Budget 2011 and the Written Ministerial Statement on business plans. Their primary purpose is to make more of the management information currently held by government available to members of the public on a regular basis. This information is not audited and should be used to provide a regular update on the management of Whitehall.

The information is presented in excel and csv format to allow the information to be presented in a re-usable format.

From October 2012 the QDS format has been refreshed to improve its focus. Our intention is improve the QDS over time to improve the timeliness and quality of the data and to allow for further comparison between the metrics.


Published 30 November 2012