Case study

Paraguay: supporting British business

Paraguay is a dynamic place to do business. Here are two case studies showcasing how our Embassy in Asunsción supports British business.

International Fashion Congress in Paraguay featuring experts from the London College of Fashion

International Fashion Congress in Paraguay featuring experts from the London College of Fashion

Fashion Congress & London College of Fashion scoping mission

British Deputy Head of Mission Robin Shackell with Paraguayan fashion designers

British Deputy Head of Mission Robin Shackell with Paraguayan fashion designers

Yanina Aubrey, a London College of Fashion consultant and London-based entrepreneur on working to develop fashion links between the UK and Paraguay:

In August 2013, I introduced a Paraguayan delegation of designers, educators and entrepreneurs to the London College of Fashion during a visit they made to the UK, which was sponsored by REDIEX, an arm of the Paraguayan Ministry of Industry. The aim was to explore opportunities for consultancy on internationalising the fashion education system and textile industry.

During a visit to Paraguay I approached HE Dr. Jeremy Hobbs and informed him about these plans. This support of the Embassy was fundamental for turning the project into a reality and the scoping mission and congress where eventually held in May 2014. As a result of the visit I put together a report on behalf of LCF, which was delivered to REDIEX, and which we understand is currently being used as the backbone for the development of a long term strategy for the Fashion Industry in Paraguay.

British Deputy Head of Mission Robin Shackell with Paraguayan fashion designers

British Deputy Head of Mission Robin Shackell with Paraguayan fashion designers

RDN Global

Francisco Espinoza, Director, RDN Global an organisation that arranges and manages private meetings for public, government and corporate institutions:

Since we first contacted the British Embassy Asuncion, they were very helpful supporting us to overcome some issues we had with an event we were launching in Paraguay. They explained our project to senior government officials, participated and supported the event. All this contributed to make our event a success. We are very grateful for all diligence provided by Ambassador Hobbs and his team.

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Published 4 November 2014