Case study

How partners are working to implement Thames Estuary 2100

How partner organisations are working with the Environment Agency to carry out the Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Plan.

We have worked with partners to update the Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Plan. Read how some of our partners are supporting our goals.

Port of London Authority

“Our role in delivering the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan is to ensure the Thames is a resilient, accessible, clean and competitive commercial hub, travel and sporting option. Our Thames Vision 2050 contains shared goals with the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan. We are developing a Thames masterplan to help deliver these goals.

“We are working with the Environment Agency to minimise any navigational and economic impacts of future flood defence options on a river that is home to UK’s largest port, supplying essential food, fuel and medicine.”

Greater London Authority (GLA)

“Thames Estuary 2100 is the plan for managing rising sea levels and tidal flood risk through London and out to the estuary. Our role in Thames Estuary 2100 is to advocate for the importance of upgrading tidal defences with an emphasis on placemaking for London.

“The London Plan and London Environment Strategy both include policies to ensure London is adapted to the impacts of climate change, including through delivery of Thames Estuary 2100 and work with London stakeholders to deliver them.

“We are exploring how London can unlock funds and financing to accelerate London’s environment priorities. We will also deliver climate resilience through placemaking where the GLA is a landowner.”

City of London Corporation

“The City of London Corporation is the port health authority for the tidal Thames and provides planning services in the Square Mile. Our role in delivering this Plan is through strategic planning, placemaking and managing the interactions of risks, including flooding. We will be producing a long-term investment strategy, which considers the impact on protected premises and economic growth.

“Policies supporting delivery of Thames Estuary 2100 are set out in our Local Plan. We have produced a pioneering riverside strategy which will deliver the wider benefits of this Plan, for example in providing a blueprint for upgrading flood defences along our stretch of the river. The riverside strategy identifies methods for enhancing our riverside and sets out priorities to consider as part of future works.

“The City Corporation is committed to supporting collaboration through the Plan promoting best practice, with officers sitting on the steering group for the Thames Tidal Councils’ Forum, playing a role in governance.”

Essex Wildlife Trust

“Our role in delivering this Plan is to allow people to experience a wetter, wilder and climate resilient tidal Thames. We will raise awareness, advocate for the Plan and deliver projects that help meet Thames Estuary 2100 outcomes where opportunities arise.

“We are currently advocating for this Plan by ensuring it is integrated within the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and working with others to realise tangible benefits for nature’s recovery.”

Transport for London

“Our role is to ensure our assets are resilient to climate change so we can deliver safe, reliable services for our customers. We are currently delivering this Plan by engaging with the Environment Agency and stakeholders to:

  • understand the risks
  • co-ordinate effort
  • protect and enhance green infrastructure
  • embed considerations of climate risk and adaptation into future asset requirements

“We acknowledge the importance of this in our Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which we published in 2023.”

Published 19 April 2023