Case study

Customers save £4.3 million on vehicle hire and car share services

The Crown Commercial Service aggregation team has helped customers save 12% on vehicle hire and car share services.

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group of business colleagues sharing a car


We regularly combine customers’ technology requirements to maximise their buying power and achieve the best prices with great results. We wanted to show customers that this approach could also help them achieve high quality vehicle hire and car share services at the best possible price.

The solution

Using the Vehicle Hire framework (RM1062), a national further competition was developed to create a standardised set of customer requirements to achieve increased savings for customers and a more simplified tender process for suppliers.

As part of the requirements, changes to the standard terms and conditions were made to ensure excellent service delivery.

The procurement took both price and non-price factors into account and the further competition was concluded with sealed bids.

This was a fully managed service provided and funded by CCS. We:

  • engaged extensively with customers and suppliers to ensure requirements were fit for purpose
  • developed the procurement documentation
  • ran the procurement process from start to finish including evaluation

The results

The common requirements of 7 customers, with a total contract value of £35.8 million, were brought together.

An indicative saving of 12% compared to standard framework pricing was achieved for the customers - the equivalent of £4.3 million (based on the anticipated contract volumes).

Get involved

We would like to hear from customers across the public sector that are interested in securing savings by combining their requirements with other organisations on a range of goods and services.

Email or call us on 0345 410 2222.

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Published 12 August 2016