Case study

Aggregation saves police £250,000 on IT hardware

43 organisations collaborated as a single customer to provide IT hardware to the police.

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The requirement

A Crown Commercial Service procurement exercise will save police forces £250,000 on IT hardware.

The project, run by CCS on behalf of the police service, supports the Home Office’s Collaborative Law Enforcement (CLEP) programme by achieving savings through the standardisation of ICT.

The solution

CCS held an eAuction that brought together the common laptop, desktop, monitor, tablet and hybrid device needs of 43 individual participating organisations including police forces, fire and rescue services, an ambulance trust and the Home Office.

This added up to 7,677 devices (rising to 13,043 with accessories included) as a minimum commitment over a 12-month period.

Against a minimum pre-auction value of £5.3 million an average saving of 4.52% across all product lines was achieved.

The CCS competition was based on specifications endorsed by the National Police Technology Council. To deliver savings, variations in “off the shelf” products needed to be reduced and demand needed to be aggregated.

Chief Constable Andy Marsh, Chief Constable – Policing Lead said: “It should not be forgotten that this market approach offers significant non cashable benefits such as the promotion of standardisation and the interoperability across the service and sends a very strong collaborative message to the market concerning police procurement now and for the future.”

The process

Using the CCS Technology Products Lot 1 framework agreement, a further competition was run, where the most beneficial offer in the market was obtained by taking into account both price and non-price factors.

Suppliers that were able to fully meet the stringent qualitative requirements were then taken forward a reverse eAuction, for price evaluation.

Insight, XMA, Stone and Misco won a further competition via a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) eAuction.

The individual call-off agreements under this arrangement with the successful suppliers are valid for 12 months with an option to extend for a further 12 months.

Technological advancement and price protection, including accounting for currency fluctuations, are catered for in the tender documentation.

Get involved

We would like to hear from customers across the public sector who are interested in securing savings by combining their requirements with other organisations on a range of technology goods and services including mobile services, IT hardware and other telephony services.

To find out more about future opportunities, please view the regularly updated technology aggregation pipeline

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Published 25 January 2017