The benefits and harms of algorithms: a shared perspective from the four digital regulators 2022 (DRCF)

A research paper from the DRCF


This paper is one of 2 initial publications by the DRCF on algorithmic processing. In this paper we set out 6 common areas of focus among the DRCF members: transparency, fairness, access to information, resilience of infrastructure, individual autonomy and healthy competition. These areas were developed by DRCF members in conjunction with stakeholders from academia, civil society, government, industry, public sector and consumer groups.

We then outline the current and potential harms and some of the current and future benefits of algorithmic processing that relate to our focus areas. Finally, we explore possible roles for UK regulators, the DRCF in particular, and outline suggestions for future work.


DRCF, The benefits and harms of algorithms: a shared perspective from the four digital regulators, 2022

Published 22 September 2022