Synthesis Report with Pro-Poor Trade Research Findings and Policy Recommendations


The purpose of the project was to investigate international trade in fisheries products and its relationship to poverty alleviation and livelihoods of poor aquatic resource users in developing countries in Asia, and to identify options to improve the effectiveness of poverty reduction through international seafood trade. The project directly addressed the EC-PREP priority area of trade and development, and indirectly provided valuable insight to two other priority areas: food security and sustainable rural development; and institutional capacity building.

This report (Output 3) follows other reports previously produced by the project. Output 1 (December 2003) took the form of a background overview report based on a literature review and interviews with supply chains in the EU. The overview included: (i) a description of seafood market supply chains and trade volumes; (ii) the policy and institutional contexts relating to trade and poverty reduction, at global, regional and national levels, and their implications for poverty reduction; (iii) ongoing trade initiatives aimed at poverty reduction; and (iv) some initial ideas about pro-poor trade initiatives to be explored by the project.

Output 2 (August 2005) reported the findings of field-based case studies in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines conducted over the course of 2004 which (i) mapped the market chain and identified stakeholders; (ii) identified poor stakeholders and analyzed their livelihoods; (iii) provided understanding of the influence of trade on the livelihoods of poor people in the market chain; and (iv) identified pro-poor options for trade in aquatic animals and plants.

This synthesis report combines the key findings of the overview report and the field-based investigations, to draw together key research findings and policy recommendations.


Output 3 Synthesis Report with Pro-Poor Trade Research Findings and Policy recommendations. Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd (UK), Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), and the STREAM Initiative, 69 pp.

Synthesis Report with Pro-Poor Trade Research Findings and Policy Recommendations

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Published 1 January 2005