Assessing the Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Identifying Agricultural Knowledge Systems and Overcoming Blockages to Enhance Uptake of Agricultural Technologies to Optimise Pro-Poor Development

A technical review and planning workshop was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5-7 May 2004


A technical review and planning workshop was held on 5-7 May 2004 in Dhaka, Bangladesh under the DFID/CABI funded project ‘Reaping the Benefits - Assessing the Impact and Facilitating the Uptake of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Rice Wheat Systems of the Indo-Gangetic Plain’.

This report covers:

  • the purpose of the workshop and list of participants
  • livelihood impact assessments: team presentations
  • understanding the causes of inequitable access
  • knowledge mapping: team presentations
  • facilitating equitable access: looking at alternative approaches
  • team work on unblocking knowledge pathways
  • action planning for output 2
  • workshop outcomes and concluding remarks

There are 6 other reports associated with this work:

  1. Bangladesh Report

  2. Nepal Report

  3. India’s Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology Report

  4. India’s Banaras Hindu University Report

  5. Pakistan’s Report

  6. Report on Biological Aspects, Bangladesh, Nepal, India


Page, S. L. J.; Tasheen Jafry. Proceedings of Technical Review and Planning Workshop: Assessing the Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain; Identifying Agricultural Knowledge Systems and Overcoming Blockages to Enhance Uptake of Agricultural Technologies to Optimise Pro-Poor Development 5-7 May 2004, Hotel Eastern Residence, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh. CABI-Europe, Egham, UK (2007) 43p

Assessing the Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain; Identifying Agricultural Knowledge Systems and Overcoming Blockages to Enhance Uptake of Agricultural Technologies to Optimise Pro-Poor Development

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Published 1 January 2007