
Communications Marketplace: a guide for buyers

Communications Marketplace is an online directory of suppliers for the purchase of low value communication services across the public sector

This guidance was withdrawn on

The Communications Marketplace is now closed for new business. Customers should use the Communication Services framework - link If you have any queries regarding existing contracts please contact


If you are a government department or public sector organisation with a requirement for low value communication services, Communications Marketplace from the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) gives you access to a range of suppliers, including small agencies and sole traders.

The marketplace is designed specifically for low value work (typically below £100,000) and is hosted on Contracts Directory, which is part of the Government eMarketplace.

Communications Marketplace is an online directory; it is not a framework agreement. It complements and supports the full range of CCS communications agreements.

How to register for access

To use the online directory you will need to be registered for access to the Government eMarketplace. Full details of how to register are provided in the eMarketplace: a guide for public sector buyers

Already registered? Log on to Communications Marketplace in Contracts Directory here

Why use Communications Marketplace?

Communications Marketplace enables public sector buyers to quickly and easily search, review and get quotes from suppliers who can meet their specific low value needs.

You can run competitions and award contracts for communications services directly through the marketplace and benefits of the using Communications Marketplace include:

  • search for and filter suitable suppliers based on criteria such as location and capabilities
  • interact directly with suppliers
  • profile pages provide more details about the skills and experience of individual suppliers

Services available

Communications Marketplace gives you access to services in the following areas:

  • integrated marketing
  • public relations and related services
  • events and exhibitions
  • production services
  • brand and design
  • writing and editorial
  • photography
  • digital marketing services
  • direct marketing services
  • parliamentary monitoring
  • media forward planning

Each of these categories is further divided into specialist service areas. A full list of the specialist service areas is provided in the customer guidance notes (PDF, 472 KB, 12 pages)

What is ‘low value’?

The Communications Marketplace is designed for requirements below the OJEU threshold (typically below £100,000).

If your requirement is above the OJEU threshold you should use one of the CCS communication agreements.

The total value of your requirement should be established by calculating either:

  1. the actual aggregate cost of similar contracts awarded over the previous financial year, (adjusted for anticipated changes in quantity or value over the coming 12 months)
  2. the estimated aggregate cost during the 12 months following first delivery (or during the term of the contract if this is greater than 12 months)
  3. or the known value of the contract to be awarded

The option that gives you the most accurate result to meet the EU procurement directives should be used. If you have any doubt about whether your requirement is sub-OJEU you should seek legal advice.

Help and support

The customer guidance notes (PDF, 472 KB, 12 pages) provide further details about using Communications Marketplace.

Alternatively, you can contact our helpdesk on 0345 410 2222 or email

Published 31 July 2014