Investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct by Google

The CMA investigated Google’s conduct in relation to Google’s distribution of apps on Android devices in the UK, in particular Google Play’s rules which oblige certain app developers to use Google Play’s own billing system for in-app purchases.

Case timetable

Date Action
21 August 2024 Case closed on the grounds of administrative priorities
21 August 2024 Decision not to accept commitments
May 2023 to August 2024 CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments
19 April 2023 to 19 May 2023 Commitments consultation period
19 April 2023 Consultation opened on commitments proposed by Google
June 2022 to April 2023 Initial investigation: information gathering, including issue of formal or informal information requests. CMA analysis and review of information gathered.
10 June 2022 Investigation opened

Change log

The case timetable was extended a number of times after it was first published.

Date of change Reason for change Change made to timetable
28 June 2024 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from June 2024 to August 2024
7 May 2024 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from April 2024 to June 2024
29 February 2024 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from February 2024 to April 2024
19 December 2023 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from December 2023 to February 2024
19 October 2023 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from October 2023 to December 2023
August 2023 Additional time required CMA consideration of representations received in response to the consultation on commitments extended from July 2023 to October 2023

Case closure

21 August 2024: The CMA closed its Competition Act 1998 investigation into Google’s conduct in relation to Google’s distribution of apps on Android devices in the UK on administrative priority grounds.

The reasons for closing the investigation are set out in the CMA’s case closure statement.

Decision not to accept commitments

21 August 2024: Having considered representations received in response to the 2023 commitments consultation, the CMA decided that it would not be appropriate to accept the commitments offered by Google.

Consultation on commitments

19 April 2023: The CMA published a notice of intention to accept commitments offered by Google and invited representations from interested third parties on the proposed commitments. The CMA will consider any representations made in response to the consultation before making a final decision on whether or not to accept the proposed commitments.

Case information

On 10 June 2022, the CMA launched an investigation under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998 into suspected breaches of competition law by Google. The investigation concerns Google’s distribution of apps on Android devices in the UK, in particular Google Play’s rules which oblige app developers offering digital content to use Google Play’s own billing system for in-app purchases.


  • The investigation is under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998.
  • The CMA has not reached a view as to whether there is sufficient evidence of an infringement of competition law for it to issue a statement of objections to any party under investigation. Not all cases result in the CMA issuing a statement of objections.
  • The CMA will consider any representations it receives before any decision is taken as to whether competition law has in fact been infringed.
  • Further detail of the CMA’s procedures in Competition Act 1998 cases is available in CMA8.
  • Changes to the timing of original entries in the case timetable will be made if the estimated timing changes.

Personal data

The CMA may collect, use and share personal data for its investigations, including investigations under the Competition Act 1998. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. You can find more information about how the CMA handles personal information in the CMA’s Personal Information Charter.


Updates to this page

Published 10 June 2022
Last updated 21 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Case closure statement and decision to not accept commitments published.

  2. Case timetable and change log updated.

  3. Case timetable and change log updated

  4. Case timetable and change log updated

  5. Case timetable updated and change log added.

  6. Consultation on commitments published and administrative timetable updated.

  7. Case timetable updated

  8. First published.