Aberdeen Journals Ltd: alleged abuse of a dominant position

Office of Fair Trading (OFT) closed Competition Act 1998 case.

Decision in remitted case: 16 September 2002

No. CA98/14/2002

The OFT made a further decision in relation to this case on 29 September 2002.

Decision of the OFT (remitted case)

Annexes to the decision (remitted case)

This decision replaces the OFT’s previous decision dated 16 July 2001. This later decision was appealed to the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) on 18 November 2002. On 23 June 2003 the CAT upheld the OFT's decision on liability. For further details see the CAT website.

Original OFT decision: 16 July 2001

No. CA98/5/2001

Original decision of the OFT: aberdeen.pdf

Annex to decision: aberdeenannexe2.pdf

This decision was appealed to the CAT on 17 September 2001. On 19 March 2002 the CAT set aside the OFT's decision and remitted the matter to the OFT for further consideration. For further details see the CAT website.

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Published 23 June 2003