Get a fine or payment terms reviewed

You might be able to ask for your fine or the payment terms to be reviewed if any of the following apply:

  • you cannot afford the regular payments
  • you cannot pay within the timeframe you’ve been given
  • you earn less than £440 a week and the court did not know this when it gave you the fine

How to ask for a review

Contact the court or enforcement centre on your notice to ask for a review. 

You’ll need to include evidence of your income, such as wage slips or benefit statements. You can download and fill in a MC100 form (also called a ‘statement of assets’) to send with your request.

If your income has changed since you were sentenced, you need to also provide evidence of your income on the date you were sentenced. 

You may need to attend court for another hearing. They’ll let you know when the hearing will take place. 

You can talk to your legal representative (if you have one) or get help from a legal adviser.