(1) James Killock and Michael Veale v The Information Commissioner (2) EW v The Information Commissioner (3) Eveleen Coghlan (on behalf of C) v The Information Commissioner: [2021] UKUT 299 (AAC)

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber decision by Judges Farbey and West on 24 November 2021.

Read the full decision in GI 113 2021 GI 1321 2020 GIA 1619 2020.

Judicial Summary

Data protection - ss. 165-166 Data Protection Act 2018 - scope of First-tier Tribunal’s power to make orders against Information Commissioner’s Office to progress complaints made to her by data subjects – proper interpretation of rule 22(1) General Regulatory Chamber Procedure Rules – ICO Service Standards.

Decision selected for reporting as [2022] AACR 4

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Published 14 December 2021