EAM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (UC): [2020] UKUT 247 (AAC)

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber decision of Judge Poynter on 7 August 2020.

Read the full decision in CUC/1773/2018.

Judicial Summary

Universal credit—other—capital—disregards—proceeds of sale of former home—whether the “reasonable certainty” test in R(IS) 7/01 remains good law following In re B (Children) [2008] UKHL 35. Universal credit—other—capital—disregards—proceeds of sale of former home—Universal Credit Regulations, Schedule 10, para.13(a)—meaning of “attributable to the proceeds of sale”. Universal credit—other—migration from existing benefits—whether “natural” migration from existing benefits gives rise to transitional protection from the universal credit capital limit.

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Published 28 October 2020