Crossland v (1) The Information Commissioner and (2) Leeds City Council: [2020] UKUT 263 (AAC)

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber decision of Mrs Justice Farbey, Chamber President on 2 September 2020.

Read the full decision in GIA/440/2019.

Judicial Summary

Information Rights – application to Upper Tribunal for permission to appeal from First-tier Tribunal interim case management directions – whether the General Regulatory Chamber exercised a discretion unreasonably in requiring the appellant to state why his appeal should not be struck under rule 8(4) of the GRC Procedure Rules - importance of overriding objective - observations on the Upper Tribunal’s power to strike out.

Case management decision taken as a matter of the tribunal’s discretion. The Upper Tribunal will not interfere unless the decision was unreasonable or the GRC misdirected itself in law.

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Published 17 November 2020