Yak-18T, HA-YAZ, 29 January 2006
Yak-18T, HA-YAZ
The pilot had not flown the aircraft for five weeks and planned to fly some circuits for practice. The weather was good with sunshine and light winds. Grass Runway 03 was in use with a left hand circuit pattern. The pilot had already carried out several circuits when, following what he believed had been a normal approach, he landed with the gear up. The aircraft slid to a halt and he was able to vacate the aircraft without assistance. Afterwards it was reported to the pilot that the landing gear had been seen to retract on the downwind leg. On further consideration he commented that after takeoff on his final circuit he had turned crosswind early to maintain separation from another aircraft. He thought it possible that he had omitted to retract the gear at that stage. On the downwind leg he remembered he had experienced some difficulty in finding the gear selector, but he thought he had selected the gear down. It seems likely however that at this time he may have selected the gear up instead. He commented that the sun had been in his eyes on the downwind leg and could have prevented him from seeing the gear warning lights. The pilot said that it was his usual practice to check for ‘three greens’ on final approach; he could not account for not noticing the lack of gear at that stage.
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