Thruster T600T 450 Jab, G-BZJD, 3 July 2011

Thruster T600T 450 Jab, G-BZJD


The pilot was on a local flight from Old Hay Airfield, Paddock Wood, Kent and returned to the circuit for what would be his ninth landing of the day. The weather at the time was dry with generally light winds. On the previous landings the pilot had used both Runway 10 and 28 due to a variable wind. Having observed the windsock the pilot elected to use Runway 10.

The pilot described the approach as normal. However, after touching down, as the aicraft passed the end of a line of trees on the northern side of the strip, the aircraft bounced slightly and the left wing lifted. It then bounced again and, despite applying power the aircraft did not respond before veering right, off the strip into long grass. As the aircraft stopped it tipped forward and came to rest on its nose. The landing gear was also damaged as a result of the bounces. The pilot and his passenger vacated the aircraft uninjured.

The pilot considered the accident was the result of a sudden gust of wind around the line of trees, of approximately 10 kt from the north.

Download report:

Thruster T600T 450 Jab, G-BZJD 12-11.pdf (229.47 kb)

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