Solar Wings Limited Pegasus XL-R, G-MTWA, 31 May 2006

Solar Wings Limited Pegasus XL-R, G-MTWA


Shortly after take off in blustery conditions and whilst on an extended crosswind leg, the microlight began to descend. The pilot turned in-to-wind but, despite having the throttle fully open, was unable to stop the descent and was forced to land in a field. During the ground roll, the aircraft’s nosewheel dug into an area of soft ground, causing it to turn over. The pilot was uninjured and climbed from the wreckage unassisted. Tests of the engine failed to reveal any defect which may have contributed to the accident.

Download report:

Solar Wings Limited Pegasus XL-R, G-MTWA 10-06.pdf (241.35 kb)

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