Robinson R44 II Raven, G-GDJF, 31 May 2011

Robinson R44 II Raven, G-GDJF


The accident occurred on the owner’s property whilst hovering to dry the helicopter after washing it. The weather was reported by the pilot as clear with 20 km visibility and a west-north-west wind of 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. During the hover the helicopter yawed suddenly to the right. To avoid a collision with nearby trees, the pilot landed in an adjoining field. The landing on the uneven ground was reported to be “abrupt” and the helicopter rolled over, damaging the rotor blades, tail and skids. The pilot was uninjured but the passenger sustained minor injuries. The pilot stated that the initial yaw was probably caused by a gust of wind and that the helicopter rolled over due to landing too abruptly on uneven ground.

Download report:

Robinson R44 II Raven, G-GDJF 11-11.pdf (216.95 kb)

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