Replica Fokker DR1, G-FOKK, 10 June 2013
Replica Fokker DR1, G-FOKK
The pilot had landed at the private grass strip earlier in the day in a Tiger Moth in preparation for a later flight, this time in G-FOKK. He was familiar with the strip as he had previously owned an aircraft which he had based there for several years. He had noticed that smoke from a bonfire to the north of the strip was rising almost vertically, indicating little or no wind.
On the later flight in G-FOKK, he made a low pass over the strip to check the ground and weather conditions. He observed that the bonfire smoke was still rising almost vertically and that trees adjacent to the runway were still. Following a standard left-hand circuit, the approach and touchdown to Runway 26 were uneventful. He closed the throttle and the tail lowered gently to the ground. Shortly afterwards, the aircraft began a turn to the left which the pilot was unable to correct with right rudder. The aircraft collided with a steel gate on the perimeter track and pitched over onto its nose and upper wing. The pilot, who was uninjured, made the aircraft safe before vacating. He later estimated that the wind had been between 5 and 10 kt from the south-west.
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