Progress Report 2008

This is the fourth annual Progress Report on Safety Recommendations submitted to the Secretary of State by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).

It contains all the recommendations made by the AAIB in 2007 including the responses to those recommendations received up to and including 30 June 2008 and those recommendations categorised as open from previous years where significant additional information has been received.

The recommendations are grouped into eight sections:

  1. Aeroplanes 5,700kg MTWA and above
  2. Aeroplanes above 2,250kg and below 5,700kg MTWA
  3. Aeroplanes 2,500kg MTWA and below
  4. Microlights
  5. Rotorcraft 5,700kg MTWA and above
  6. Rotorcraft above 2,250kg and below 5,700kg MTWA
  7. Rotorcraft 2,500kg MTWA and below
  8. Others

Within each section the accidents are listed by event date in reverse chronological order. This date should be taken as the date the recommendation was made.

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Progress Report 2008

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Published 10 December 2014