Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer, G-LACD, 19 October 2005

Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer, G-LACD


The aircraft was being flown on an instructional flight which included a glide approach to Runway 09 Left. Whilst on finals for a ‘full stop’ glide approach, the student pilot commented that the aircraft was high. Despite application of sideslip, the aircraft crossed the threshold higher and faster than normal. The aircraft touched down more that half way down the 518 m grass runway and both occupants started maximum braking. The grass was wet and the instructor felt that the wheels had locked up. A collision with a boundary hedge was likely, so the instructor turned the aircraft to the right, but was unable to stop the aircraft before it collided with the hedge, causing damage to the left wing, but no injuries to the occupants.

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Published 10 December 2014