P and M Aviation Mainair Blade, G-CDOR, 14 July 2013

P and M Aviation Mainair Blade, G-CDOR


Climbing through about 200 ft after takeoff from Runway 27 at Boston, and whilst banked to the right, the microlight’s engine failed. The pilot turned right towards a playing field north of the runway, but assessed the aircraft would not be able to clear a dyke beforehand. He therefore turned further right, back towards the runway, but was unable to clear a second dyke that ran parallel to the runway on its northern side. The aircraft struck the top of the dyke and rolled forward onto the airfield, coming to rest beside the grass runway. The weather conditions were fine and warm, with a temperature of about 28°C. The pilot thought this may have led to vapour lock which disrupted the fuel supply to the engine.

Download report:

P and M Aviation Mainair Blade, G-CDOR 09-13.pdf (178.10 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014