Hoffman H 36 Dimona, G-KOKL, 29 October 2005

Hoffman H 36 Dimona, G-KOKL


An instructor pilot was carrying out a training flight with another qualified club pilot to address crosswind handling techniques. The first takeoff was on Runway 24 with a surface wind of 160º/10 kt which created the crosswind component required. The student performed a satisfactory takeoff from Runway 24 under the prevailing wind conditions and the instructor decided to carry out some further circuits using Runway 18 which was more into wind. On the first approach to Runway 18 the student began to undershoot the runway whilst using the airbrakes. He closed the airbrakes and corrected the approach angle to that of a normal approach. As the aircraft neared the ground, the student reopened the airbrakes fully and rapidly which caused what the instructor described as “a firm but not heavy landing”. On the final full stop landing, the student carried out a smooth and gentle touch down. As the aircraft slowed and the wheel brakes were applied positively, the aircraft “listed to port”. The aircraft was stopped immediately and having stopped the engine, the pilots vacated through the normal exit. The left main landing gear had collapsed.

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