Flight Design CT2K, G-CDJF, 19 August 2012

Flight Design CT2K, G-CDJF


The student pilot flew a normal approach to Runway 26L at Redhill as part of a training flight. The weather was fine, with a surface wind from 230° at 7 kt. The runway surface was dry grass. The aircraft bounced on landing and, on the second touchdown, the nose landing gear was damaged. The aircraft pitched forward and inverted. The pilot, who was uninjured, vacated the aircraft unaided.

The Aerodrome Controller observed the bounced landing and nose leg collapse. He activated the crash alarm and saw the pilot vacate the aircraft. Aerodrome emergency services attended one minute forty seconds after crash alarm activation.

Download report:

Flight Design CT2K G-CDJF 11-12.pdf (218.08 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014