Extra EA 300/L, G-CCPI, 21 March 2005

Extra EA 300/L, G-CCPI


The pilot was positioning the aircraft from Biggin Hill, Kent to Meppershall, Bedfordshire, for maintenance. The weather conditions were good with a surface wind of 110°/10 kt. Runway 02 was in use and its grass surface was damp. The approach was flown slightly cross controlled to enable a better view of the strip. The aircraft bounced after touchdown, then the left main landing gear came into contact with soft ground to the left of the mowed strip. The aircraft continued to veer left off the grass strip until both main landing gears sank in the mud at low speed causing the aircraft to nose over and come to rest inverted suffering extensive damage to the propeller, fin, canopy and slight damage to the wings. Both occupants were uninjured and after an initial difficulty getting out of their harness, due to the fact that they were hanging in them, they vacated the aircraft through the broken canopy. The airfield’s local fire tender and first aid qualified personnel were very quickly on the scene and offered assistance.

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