Cirrus SR22, N434A, 5 July 2008

Cirrus SR22, N434A


The aircraft departed its base at Stapleford, and flew uneventfully towards Barton. The weather was generally good with clear visibility, but with scattered thundery showers in which visibility was significantly reduced. The pilot contacted the FISO on duty at Barton by radio, and was informed that Runway 27L was in use. Runway 27L is grass, 621 metres long, and was wet; a heavy shower of rain was passing over the aerodrome. As the aircraft turned onto the final approach, the visibility deteriorated, and the wind shifted, becoming a slight tail wind. The pilot lost sight of the far end of the runway in the poor visibility, and touched down in the middle third of runway. Conscious of the risk of skidding on the “very wet” runway, he applied light braking. The aircraft ran off the end of the runway into a rough area of long grass. Both occupants vacated the aircraft without difficulty. The pilot reported that, with the benefit of hindsight, he considers that a go-around would have been a safer course of action.

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Cirrus SR22, N434A 10-08.pdf (256.89 kb)

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