Bolkow Bo 209 Monsun, G-AZRA, 20 October 2005

Bolkow Bo 209 Monsun, G-AZRA


The pilot was faced with a choice of landing in to wind on the longer landing run which sloped downhill, or landing with a crosswind on a shorter landing run that was level. As there was no windsock at the airstrip, wind data was obtained by radio from an airfield some 6 miles distant. Having chosen to land with the crosswind, the pilot made his approach over a 15 ft high fence close to the threshold, touched down approximately 80 m into the 390 m landing run. When he applied the brakes, the wheels skidded on the wet grass, which was reportedly some 3-4 inches in length. In order to miss a stone wall, the aircraft was steered to the left, where it collided with a wire fence. The effect of variables such as pilot technique, uncertainty of the value of the headwind/tailwind/crosswind components and the condition and length of the landing surface conspired on this occasion to render landing run 13 unsuitable. When planning to land at an airfield under limiting conditions, it is vital to ascertain the state of the runways, the local weather conditions and consider the factors detailed in Safety Sense Leaflet 7c, Aeroplane Performance.

Download report:

G-AZRA 3-06.pdf (269.26 kb)

Published 10 December 2014