Agusta Bell 206A Jet Ranger, G-OJEF, 27 May 2005

Agusta Bell 206A Jet Ranger, G-OJEF


The pilot of the helicopter made a normal approach to Runway 21 at Haverfordwest. Having hover taxied along the runway the pilot turned right to hover taxi across the grass to the refuelling point. Just before the taxiway, the helicopter turned sharply although he could not remember in which direction, which the pilot thought he had corrected. He attempted to turn into the 10-15 kt wind which was from his left and raised the collective pitch control to take off. This appeared to have no effect and concerned that there was a technical problem the pilot decided to land immediately. The aircraft bounced and the main rotor blades contacted the grass causing the rotor head and blades to detach. The helicopter came to rest on its left side and both persons onboard were uninjured and exited the aircraft unassisted. No definite cause was identified but the pilot probably lost control when hover taxiing with the wind from the machine’ rear left quarter

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