AAIB investigation to Skyranger 912(2), G-CCCK

Lost control during taxiing, Newtownards Airfield, 6 July 2014.


The pilot was converting from flexwing to fixed-wing aircraft and had just flown a 90-minute sortie, in what he described as difficult crosswind conditions in G-CCCK. The pilot dropped off his instructor and was taxiing to put the aircraft away; as he passed a parked aircraft he needed to turn his own aircraft to the right. In his previous flexwing aircraft, to turn to the right the pilot would move his left foot forward; in this fixed-wing aircraft, moving his left foot forward turned the aircraft left. The pilot mistakenly put in the wrong pedal and his aircraft turned rapidly the wrong way, to the left, clipping the propeller of a parked aircraft before coming to rest against a corrugated hangar. The pilot, who was uninjured, made his aircraft safe and vacated it normally. There was no damage to the parked aircraft and the damage to the pilot’s aircraft was minor, denting the leading edge of the wing.

Download report:

Skyranger 912(2) G-CCCK 11-14.pdf

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Published 10 December 2014