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11 services sorted by Most viewed
  • Find your child's school term, half term and holiday dates on your local council's website

  • School closures happen because of an emergency like severe weather - check whether your child's school is closed on your local council website.

  • The age you can leave school in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

  • You can be prosecuted if your child has unauthorised absence from school - truancy, help with getting your child to school, and legal action to enforce school attendance

  • Bullying at school and the law - what your school and the police must do about bullying and how you should report it

  • Schools can sanction pupils or exclude them - find out what schools are allowed to do, like search pupils for knives or drugs

  • Schools set school uniform policy and must make their uniform policy. You should talk to the school if you think your child is being discriminated against.

  • Complain about a teacher - who can complain, how to complain, report teacher misconduct, attend a teacher misconduct hearing

  • How your council encourages attendance at school - truancy, unauthorised absences, education welfare officer

  • What happens if your child cannot go to school for health reasons - responsibilities of the local council and school and how medical needs are handled at school

  • Schools are responsible for your child's safety while they're at school or on a school trip