What value does social media add to governance programmes? Research Briefing Issue 2
Examines the value that social media brings to governance programmes aimed at influencing engagement and civic participation
This paper examines the value that social media brings to governance programming aimed at influencing engagement and civic participation. It was written by students from the London School of Economics (LSE) Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme in collaboration with BBC Media Action. It highlights the findings of the LSE students’ work undertaken between October 2012 and March 2013: a literature review and analysis of BBC Media Action data from Palestinian Territories and Bangladesh on use of social media and civic participation. The findings include: use of social media is positively associated with political efficacy and offline participation in the BBC Media Action data. These findings imply that BBC Media Action should engage purposefully with social media as a catalysing complement to traditional TV and radio programming.
This Briefing is based on the report: Social Media and Civic Participation: Literature Review and Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh and Palestinian Territories.
BBC Media Action. What value does social media add to governance programmes? Research Briefing Issue 2. BBC Media Action, UK (2013) 6 pp.