The International Seafood Trade: Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods Among Poor Aquatic Resource Users in Asia


The background and objectives, research findings, and policy recommendations of the project are presented. This research project investigated the international trade in fisheries products and its relationship to poverty alleviation and livelihoods of poor aquatic resource users in developing countries in Asia, with the purpose of identifying options to improve the effectiveness of poverty reduction in international fisheries trade.

The research project methodology combined an overview analysis of trade in fisheries products between Asia and the European Union, with detailed case studies of two valuable fisheries commodities: shrimp (from Vietnam) and marine ornamental species (from Indonesia and the Philippines).


The International Seafood Trade: Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods Among Poor Aquatic Resource Users in Asia, Emerging Markets Group (EMG) Ltd, London, UK, 2 pp.

The International Seafood Trade: Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods Among Poor Aquatic Resource Users in Asia

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Published 1 January 2005