The Impact of Circular Migration Schemes on Development Outcomes Rapid Evidence Assessment

Circular Migration Schemes are programmes that allow for legal temporary managed migration for work reasons


This Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) identifies and synthesises the evidence on the impacts of circular migration schemes (CMS). For the purpose of this report, CMS is defined as programmes that allow for legal temporary managed migration for work reasons. The REA focuses on the evidence around migration to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries from Africa and South Asia. The analysis is centred on 3 key questions:

  1. Who migrates as part of circular migration schemes?
  2. What are the impacts of circular migration schemes on migrants?
  3. What are the impacts of circular migration schemes on countries of origin?

Main findings

The evidence from this Rapid Evidence Assessment suggests that Circular Migration Schemes (CMS) have much potential as a mechanism for increasing the earnings of workers and improving the living conditions of family members who stay behind in the country of origin. However, several aspects of CMS can be improved in order to increase the benefits of participation for migrants and their families. These aspects range from the recruitment process and worker protection abroad to the re-integration process at the end. In all these aspects, there is scope for additional research contributions and different types of policy interventions.


Vargas-Silva, C (2021) The Impact of Circular Migration Schemes on Development Outcomes. London: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

The Impact of Circular Migration Schemes on Development Outcomes Rapid Evidence Assessment

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Published 9 March 2021