Taenia multiceps coenurosis in Tanzania

A major and under-recognised livestock disease problem in pastoral communities


A neurological syndrome of small ruminants, known locally as ‘ormilo’, has been reported among pastoralist livestock keepers in Tanzania. This study was carried out in 4 affected pastoral communities to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors, characterise the clinical signs and investigate the aetiology of the syndrome.

This is a publication arising from the Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems (ZELS) programme


Hughes E, Kibona T, de Glanville W, Lankester F, Davis A, Carter R, de Jong R, Nyasebwa O, Claxton J, Cleaveland S, Allan K (2019). Taenia multiceps coenurosis in Tanzania: a major and under-recognised livestock disease problem in pastoral communities. Veterinary Record. 184: 191.

Taenia multiceps coenurosis in Tanzania: a major and under-recognised livestock disease problem in pastoral communities

Published 25 January 2019