Synthesis Report - From the Millennium Development Goals Towards a Gender-sensitive Energy Policy Research and Practice: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies.


Bringing a gender perspective to energy policy research brings two intertwined challenges in credibility. First, what evidence is there that energy has a key role to play in gender and poverty? An empirical review addressed this question by reviewing the evidence from a gender perspective on linkages between energy and the first seven Millennium Development Goals. Chapter 3 summarises the findings of this study.

Second, development of a credible analytical framework for gender-sensitive energy policy research through an iterative process involving expert meetings and eight case studies by CRGGE members was the focus of the second part of the project, in Chapters 4 and 5. How can current research frameworks such as sustainable livelihoods and gender analysis be used to more effectively analyse gender as a key variable in energy interventions? What are the key elements and the \"right questions\" to ask in gender-sensitive energy policy research in the new Millennium?


ENERGIA/DfID Collaborative Research Group on Gender and Energy (CRGGE), 151 pp.

Synthesis Report - From the Millennium Development Goals Towards a Gender-sensitive Energy Policy Research and Practice: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies.

Published 1 January 2006