SITAM - Sustainable intensification: trade-offs for agricultural management

SITAM project will address the challenges and opportunities of smallholder farmers


Over 42 months the SITAM project will address the challenges and opportunities of smallholder farmers, in particular poor farmers and women farmers, in managing the trade-offs between production, sustainability and other socioeconomic and environmental factors. The project will co-generate research findings with communities and local stakeholders in eastern Burkina Faso, northwest Ghana and central Malawi, using household and community level processes. The project will engage with decision makers via National Learning Alliances in order to bring about changes in their knowledge, awareness, attitudes and capacities.

This was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) programme - Supporting smallholder farmers’ decision-making: Managing trade-offs and synergies for sustainable intensification (SITAM)


SAIRLA (2017) SITAM - Sustainable intensification: trade-offs for agricultural management

SITAM - Sustainable intensification: trade-offs for agricultural management

Published 1 January 2017