Short‐ and longer‐term impacts of Child Friendly Space Interventions in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Data was collected data from caregivers of Congolese refugee children residing in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement at 3 timepoints


The establishment of Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) has become a widespread intervention targeting protection and support for displaced children in humanitarian contexts. There is a lack of evidence of impact of these interventions with respect to both short‐term outcomes and longer‐term developmental trajectories. We collected data from caregivers of Congolese refugee children residing in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement at 3 timepoints.

This research was supported by the Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme


Metzler, J., Diaconu, K., Hermosilla, S., Kaijuka, R., Ebulu, G., Savage, K. and Ager, A. (2019), Short‐ and longer‐term impacts of Child Friendly Space Interventions in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Uganda. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 60: 1152-1163.

Short‐ and longer‐term impacts of Child Friendly Space Interventions in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Published 20 May 2019