Shining a light on Malawi's dairy supply chain

This project has helped shine a light on Malawi’s dairy supply chain, and has influenced a key decision on VAT for domestically produced milk


This impact case study looks at what has been achieved by a DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) agriculture project investigating the Malawian dairy sector.

Led by Dr Cesar Revoredo-Giha from the Land Economy, Environment and Society Research Group at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), the project has helped shine a light on Malawi’s dairy supply chain, and has already influenced a key decision on VAT for domestically produced milk.


Cassidy, C. and Brighty, N. (2018) Shining a light on Malawi’s dairy supply chain. DEGRP Impact Case Study.

Shining a light on Malawi’s dairy supply chain

Published 28 March 2018