Seasonal vulnerability and risk calendar in Nepal (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1358)

This rapid review presents the small amount of available information and evidence on the seasonal vulnerability and risk calendar in Nepal



The report links to eight key readings on the topic, and to selected sources of further information


Nepal faces many seasonal disasters, including floods, landslides, fires, droughts and diseases. This rapid review presents the small amount of available information and evidence on the seasonal vulnerability and risk calendar in Nepal at a national and sub-national level, as well as regional hazard vulnerability within Nepal. The majority of the literature is grey literature from the Nepalese government, national, and international organisations working in Nepal, as well as a few journal articles and student dissertations carried out with the support of agencies in Nepal. Much of the evidence is scattered in the literature and there is little very recent information available. Available information about the sub-national level only covers a limited number of areas in each of the different geological regions, although there are suggestions in the literature that more seasonal risk calendar exercises have been carried out across Nepal that have not been published publically. There is some consideration of the impact of seasonal migration on women.


Rohwerder, B. Seasonal vulnerability and risk calendar in Nepal (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1358). Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2016) 18 pp.

Seasonal vulnerability and risk calendar in Nepal (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1358)

Published 1 January 2016