Schooling progress, learning reversal: Indonesia’s learning profiles between 2000 and 2014

This paper examines the relationship between schooling completed and mathematics learning to develop profiles for Indonesia


This paper examines the relationship between schooling completed and mathematics learning from 2000 to 2014 in order to develop learning profiles for Indonesia.

This research is part of the Research on Improving Systems of Education programme.


Beatty, A., Berkhout, E., Bima, L., Pradhan, M., and Suryadarma, D. 2021. Schooling progress, learning reversal: Indonesia’s learning profiles between 2000 and 2014, International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 85, 2021, 102436, ISSN 0738-0593,

Schooling progress, learning reversal: Indonesia’s learning profiles between 2000 and 2014

Published 31 January 2022